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Aersa S.A. (Argentina)

Main Activities: Water, Sewage and Other Systems
Full name: Aersa S.A. Profile Updated: May 31, 2024
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Aersa S.A. is a company located in San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was incorporated in 1993 and has since become a leader in the Argentine market. The company specializes in the commercialization of innovative products, including SCALETRON and COLLOID A TRON catalytic equipment for water treatment, which are used to prevent and eliminate lime scale deposits in industrial and domestic settings. Aersa S.A. later expanded its product line to include FUELTRON equipment for energy consumption savings in boilers and furnaces, as well as GREASOMATIC disposable automatic lubrication equipment that does not require any energy source. The company's success is attributed to its commitment to customer satisfaction and meeting market demands for environmentally-friendly industrial equipment that does not rely on energy sources or chemicals. Aersa S.A. ensures efficient distribution of its products through a network of distributors.

Jose Ingenieros 2869
San Isidro; Buenos Aires; Postal Code: B1643 FRE

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Outstanding Shares:
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Incorporation Date:
May 24, 1993
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